Wyoming Homeowners and Renters insurance policy's will provide you some insurance coverage for your personal contents while in storage, However it may not be exactly the same as your things were insured while at your Home. Depending on the Insurance carrier your policy is purchased thru and the forms utilized within it, The most common coverage limitations afforded for your items while in storage are often only 10% . Example being if one had $100,000.00 dollars of personal contents coverage on their Homeowners or Renters Insurance policy, Then a $10,000.00 dollar limitation would be available for a covered loss in storage, Less any deductible obligations one also may have.
These items placed in storage should also be part of your Complete home inventory list as part of your homes insurance policy and comprehensive list for a more appropriate limit. Most common items in storage being perhaps things like clothes, furniture, Appliances, etc..etc.. Are covered items for up to the 10% limitation of this coverage. But other storage Items to consider that may not be covered while in storage could be things like Automobiles, Motorcycles, and ATV's which usually require their own specific insurance policy's.
Be sure to check your insurance policy for a better understanding of your Wyoming Personal Property while in storage insurance coverages available in the event of an unfortunate loss.
Contact our local Wyoming insurance agency's today for a policy review.